
Chinese buyers Nuggets into jewelry main buyers in Sri Lanka , China jewelry

Related articles: this tropical island in the Indian Ocean, and if there is something that can be known, than black tea and gems. Sri Lanka is an island in the Indian peninsula, the whole shape is like a tear. This is not so familiar with the island, the figure of the Chinese businessmen are still frequent. Chinese delegation into FACETS to the main buyers of International Jewellery Show September 5 to 8 this year in Sri Lanka's annual the FACETS international jewelry exhibition . Perhaps you have heard that similar anecdotes news that a Chinese man swallowed a diamond worth $ 14,000. And maybe you do not know is that behind this exhibition, there is a strong Chinese delegation has become the main buyers.

exhibition Colombo BMICH EXHIBITION AND CONVENTION CENTRE. This exhibition center best known as the Sri Lanka Exhibition Centre is not excessive. FACETS International Jewellery Show is an annual event in Sri Lanka, also is the largest jewelery exhibition booth is open to all sellers in the world. BMICH, Colombo city's major hotels are not too far away in the city center. During the exhibition, the exhibition arranged a shuttle bus to pick people from various hotel to the exhibition center. the BMICH a total of two exhibition halls, one feature of finished jewelry, as well as an exhibition hall are featured in the gem. 22nd FACETS Jewellery Show this year, a total of 154 booths.

The Chinese jewelers delegation to participate in the Jewellery Show Russia, India scale, followed by there are more than 50 people, The Jewellery Show, one of the largest foreign representative group. Other major international buyers from Russia and India. In fact, as early as a few years ago, the jeweler has continued to participate in the show and buy the gems. The FACETS jewelry exhibition Juzar Adamaly Chairman said: Director of the Office to the financial weekly newspaper reporter to confirm that they had organized the Chinese businessmen to Sri Lanka. Meanwhile, the Sri Lankan businessmen also continue to come to China to participate in jewelery exhibitions.

China International Jewellery Show will be held in Beijing in November of this year, Sri Lanka has confirmed that will be sent to the pavilions. Sri Lanka on the import and export of jewelry in order to promote the development of the jewelry industry, to take a zero-tax regime. Sri Lanka production of sapphire, ruby, opal, amethyst, moonstone and other precious stones. Sri Lanka beads Gemmological Association of Secretaries Ziqufi Ismail said: The cinnamon, garnet and so on.

